Inner  Frontier
Fourth Way Spiritual Practice


Inner Work

For the week of July 18, 2005

Intentional Presence

To be present, to live fully in our immediate experience of this moment, is most natural for us. To our misfortune, however, we have fallen from the grace of natural presence. Instead we live a disjointed, distracted life, taken by every passing thought, feeling, and sensory impression. To re-enter the natural state of presence requires great intentio Awareness is not enough. We need to become the will to be, continually deciding to be here, to be our self. Deeper than thought, emotion, and sensory impressions, we can be. For this week, explore your own willingness to be. n and diligent practice. Permanent entry to that state marks the first great transformation of a person’s being.

What is the intention, the inner act called for in presence? It means to be, to embrace the will to be, and to be able to say with the whole of our being, “Here I am.” This results from a slight and simple shift within us, an inner movement into being our own source, the author of our script, the one who decides our decisions and acts our actions, the agent of our life.

Awareness is not enough. We need to become the will to be, continually deciding to be here, to be our self. Deeper than thought, emotion, and sensory impressions, we can be. For this week, explore your own willingness to be.


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