Inner  Frontier
Fourth Way Spiritual Practice

Light on the Way

Light on the Way

  Deep Spiritual Practice

By Joseph Naft

528 Pages
ISBN: 9780978610951
I.F. Publishing Company
August, 2022

Trade Paperback:

E-Book:    Kindle Edition

Book Description

With billions of us sharing this finite planet, how well we live depends on how we care for each other and for this biosphere we inhabit. Our ability to care depends on our inner condition as well as our outer circumstances. Clarity of mind and heart and the balance of self-centered and selfless motivations govern our inner life. Behind everything, illuminating everything, is the sacred, clarifying light, the immanent effulgence that supports this universe and all of us.

This book addresses spiritual practice in depth, from presence to love, showing how each moment, each magnificent, shining moment, welcomes us to the loving reality that we are. 

Light on the Way contains spiritual inner work exercises, each intended for a week-long effort. In this fourth collection of such exercises, all but two are parts of a series, lasting from as few as four to as many as fourteen weeks. Each inner work series offers a progression that can lead to greater depth along a particular dimension of the spirit. For a fully robust soul, we need a spirituality effective for all aspects of our being, along with tools, which, if applied diligently, will enhance the quality of our inner life. These pages offer a way of light, a way of sowing light, that can enable us to fulfill the promise of our birth and participate in the boundless, timeless reality we all share.

This book is a compilation of five years of Weekly Inner Work articles from

About the Author: Joseph Naft was born in a war refugee camp in northern Italy in the aftermath of World War II. That legacy of unspeakable evil engendered his abiding interest in how the seemingly intractable problem of human violence can be resolved. Since 1970, he has studied Fourth Way, Buddhist, Sufi, and other spiritual practices in the United States, Europe, and the Middle East. Joseph Naft has taught meditation and spiritual practices since 1976. His other books include The Way of Presence, The Radiant Mountain: Presence to Go, The Sacred Art of Soul Making: Balance and Depth in Spiritual Practice, Becoming You: Cultivating Spiritual Presence, and two novels, Agents of Peace and Restoring Our Soul.



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