Inner  Frontier
Fourth Way Spiritual Practice

The Sacred Art of Soul Making

The Sacred Art
of Soul Making:

Second Edition

By Joseph Naft

388 Pages
ISBN: 9780978610920
I.F. Publishing Company
September, 2011

Trade Paperback:

E-Book:    Kindle Edition        Nook Edition

Book Description

“Deep within each of us dwells the source of peace, purpose, and love. Yet we live in the chaotic dissonance of the superficial layers of our hearts and minds. A sea of the most precious spiritual energies surrounds us, inside and out, yet our thirst remains unquenched, our souls malnourished and unformed.” (from the Introduction)

Bridging East and West, The Sacred Art of Soul Making addresses the central questions of spiritual practice with the depth and subtlety they require and with unexpected clarity. The book offers several unique features.

First, it addresses people looking for ways to bring Eastern spiritual practices of meditation and presence into relationship with Western religious sensibilities. For example, large numbers of Westerners have found spiritual succor in Buddhist practice, but now realize they also yearn for a personal relationship with the Divine, for the practice of prayer, and openness to conscience. Others find themselves in the reverse situation, with their Western religious experience missing certain essential elements found in Eastern practices like meditation. The Sacred Art of Soul Making speaks to both groups, showing how the inner work of meditation and presence naturally blends with the search for God.

Second, the author presents the hierarchy of inner energies, demonstrates their deep spiritual significance experientially, and teaches methods for transforming energies. Through the completeness of this scale of energies and their related practices, The Sacred Art of Soul Making shows readers how their spiritual work can gradually deepen, even beyond the level of the conscious energy. This matters because a widely-held conceit in the New Age spirituality of our time claims that consciousness itself is the Ultimate, which is not even nearly true.

Third, the book discusses the nature of will, the Divine as will, and the relationship between our individual will and the One Sacred Will.

This authentic, substantive, and multi-faceted spirituality for our time begins where we are and ultimately takes us beyond consciousness, toward the abode of the sacred. That sacredness can touch and transform each of us. This book helps make that possible.

This Second Edition incorporates numerous significant revisions to the original, plus two entirely new chapters: “Worlds of the Spirit” and “Modes of Will.”

About the Author: Joseph Naft was born in a war refugee camp in northern Italy in the aftermath of World War II. That legacy of unspeakable evil engendered his abiding interest in how the seemingly intractable problem of human violence can be resolved. Since 1970, he has studied a wide range of spiritual practices in the United States, Europe, and the Middle East. Joseph Naft has taught meditation and spiritual practices since 1976.



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